Akvarij Vodne Rastline Omet Je Waterlily, Nymphaea Daubenyana fotografija, rast in opis, značilnosti in nega

Akvarij Vodne Rastline Omet Je Waterlily, Nymphaea Daubenyana

angleščina ime: Dauben*s waterlily

latinsko ime: Nymphaea Daubenyana

fotografija Akvarij Vodne Rastline Omet Je Waterlily, Nymphaea Daubenyana, zelen
fotografija Akvarij Vodne Rastline Omet Je Waterlily, Nymphaea Daubenyana, rdeča

Akvarij Vodne Rastline Omet Je Waterlily (Nymphaea Daubenyana) fotografija

značilnosti in opis:

tip rastlinplava na površini, korenin v tleh
barva listovrdeča, zelen
Višina rastline10-30 cm
obliki rastlinepokončna
vrsta rastlinrastline
velikost listovvelika
habitatsladkovodnih rastlin
obrazec listovokrogla

Omet Je Waterlily nega in rast:

stopnja negoza izkušene akvarist
umestitev v akvarijusrednji
temperatura vodeblizu 20°c
rodovitnost talvisoko
svetlobne potrebesvetla
minimalna velikost akvarijane manj kot 500 litrov

Lahko kupite Omet Je Waterlily, Nymphaea Daubenyana v spletnih trgovinah.

katalog: Akvarij Vodne Rastline

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Limnophila Sessiliflora
Limnophila Sessiliflora
Kardinal Cvet, Rdeče Lobelia
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Ludwigia Palustris
Ludwigia Palustris
Ludwigia Arcuata
Ludwigia Arcuata
Mayaca Fluviatilis
Mayaca Fluviatilis

Prosim, pomagajte projektu! Prosim, delite to! Hvala vam!


Prosim, pomagajte projektu: Hvala vam!

27,49 €

7,59 €

5,32 €

5,89 €

21,99 €

19,35 €

8,39 €

16,49 € (0,55 € / stück)

19,99 €

13,99 €

19,98 €

4,65 €

17,99 €

14,99 €

9,99 €

14,99 €
$18.99 YOJOE Aquarium Plants Aquarium Decor Plastic Plants Fish Tank Decoration Aquarium Plant Set Green Plants, Aquarium Green plants Set 5 pieces
Slappy and the Stinkers
$12.78 JIH Plastic Plants for Aquarium,Tall Artificial Plants for Fish Tank Decor 15.6 Inch (2 Pcs) (Purple)
$10.99 Lantian Green Round Leaves Aquarium Décor Plastic Plants Extra Large 24 Inches Tall 6513
$20.99 Uniclife Aquarium Volcano Ornament Decoration with LED Light Air Bubbler Stone Kit, Air Pump Not Included
$6.98 CousDUoBe Artificial Aquatic Plants 11 Pcs Small Aquarium Plants Artificial Fish Tank Decorations,Used for Household and Office Aquarium Simulation Plastic Hydroponic Plants
$6.98 2 Pack Betta Fish Leaf Pad Cousduobe Improves Betta's Health by Simulating The Natural Habitat - Natural, Organic, Comfortable Rest Area for Fish Aquarium
$135.00 Penn-Plax Striped Sail Shipwreck Aquarium Decoration 2PC Large Over 19 Inches High for Large Fish Tanks, Multi (RR961)


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Vrtno Cvetje, Okrasne Rastline