Plandaí faoi Dhíon Chamaeranthemum, Gléasra India Photo, ag fás agus Cur síos, saintréithe agus saothrú

plandaí ornáideach Chamaeranthemum, Gléasra India: motley

motley Plandaí faoi Dhíon Chamaeranthemum, Gléasra India Photo

Chamaeranthemum, Gléasra India Photo

Plandaí faoi Dhíon Cur síos agus saintréithe:

cineál gascreeping
foirm duilleoval
dath duilliúrmotley
gléasra nimhiúilplandaí nach nimhiúil
cineálacha plandaíplandaí luibheacha
airde plandaí (cm)níos ísle 30 cm

saothrú, ag fás agus cúram Chamaeranthemum, Gléasra India:

suíomh monarchanfuinneog thoir, fuinneog thiar
an gá atá le soilsiúsolas comhthimpeallach geal
tréimhse de chuid eileaon
minicíocht uiscemeasartha
taiseachas aeirtais
castacht atá ag fásdon saothróir le roinnt taithí

Is féidir leat a cheannach Chamaeranthemum, Gléasra India i siopaí ar líne (síol, síológa).

chatalóg: Plandaí faoi Dhíon

Cardamomum, Cardamomum Elettaria
Cardamomum, Cardamomum Elettaria
Tine Dragon Acalypha, Hoja De Cobre, Duille Copair
Tine Dragon Acalypha, Hoja De Cobre, Duille Copair
Rhoeo Tradescantia
Rhoeo Tradescantia
Carambola, Starfrui
Carambola, Starfrui

Cabhraigh an tionscadal le do thoil! Comhroinn é le do thoil! Go raibh maith agat!


Cabhraigh an tionscadal le do thoil: Go raibh maith agat!

6,16 € (24,64 € / l)

19,99 €

24,96 € (24,96 € / l)

13,90 € (5,56 € / KG)

6,86 €

5,35 €

20,57 €

12,89 € (9,15 € / kg)

5,21 € (10,42 € / l)

5,90 € (11,80 € / l)

6,92 € (17,30 € / l)

12,95 €
$13.99 Indoor Plant Food | All-purpose House Plant Fertilizer | Liquid Common Houseplant Fertilizers for Potted Planting Soil | by Aquatic Arts
$23.99 ($3.00 / in) Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree Plant Food for Ficus Lyrata (and Ficus Audrey) – Calcium Fortified, Urea-Free and with NPK Ratio of 3-1-2 for Healthy Roots, Stems and Leaves (8 Ounces))
$7.99 Fiddle Leaf Fig Plant Food 6-2-4 | Liquid Houseplant Fig Tree | Bottle Lasts Twice as Long as Other competitors
$14.56 ($3.64 / oz) Miracle-Gro Indoor Plant Food Spikes, 4 Packs of 1.1-Ounce
$10.19 Bayer Advanced Insect Control Plus Fertilizer Plant Spike 8-11-5 Spike
$13.97 Organic Monstera Plant Food - Liquid Fertilizer for Indoor and Outdoor Monstera Plants - for Healthy Tropical Leaves and Steady Growth (8 oz)


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