Photo, Mexican Dwarf Orange Crayfish
Mexican Dwarf Orange Crayfish care and characteristics
compatibility with plants compatibility with fishes
color of crustacean: red species: crayfish minimum aquarium size: not less than 100 liters maximum size: up to 5 cm type of aquarium: close, open care level: moderate
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 Photo, Red Crystal Shrimp
Red Crystal Shrimp care and characteristics
compatibility with plants compatibility with fishes
color of crustacean: red species: shrimp minimum aquarium size: not less than 50 liters maximum size: up to 5 cm type of aquarium: close, open temperature of water: near 20°c, near 25°c care level: moderate
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 Photo, Red Tiger Shrimp
Red Tiger Shrimp care and characteristics
compatibility with plants compatibility with fishes
color of crustacean: red species: shrimp minimum aquarium size: not less than 50 liters maximum size: up to 5 cm type of aquarium: close, open temperature of water: near 25°c care level: moderate
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 Photo, Cardinal Shrimp
Cardinal Shrimp care and characteristics
compatibility with plants compatibility with fishes
color of crustacean: red species: shrimp minimum aquarium size: not less than 50 liters maximum size: up to 5 cm type of aquarium: close, open temperature of water: 27-28°c care level: moderate
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 Photo, Harlequin Shrimp
Harlequin Shrimp care and characteristics
compatibility with plants compatibility with fishes
color of crustacean: red species: shrimp minimum aquarium size: not less than 50 liters maximum size: up to 5 cm type of aquarium: close, open temperature of water: 27-28°c care level: for the experienced aquarist
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 Photo, Orange Delight Shrimp
Orange Delight Shrimp care and characteristics
compatibility with plants compatibility with fishes
color of crustacean: red species: shrimp minimum aquarium size: not less than 50 liters maximum size: up to 5 cm type of aquarium: close temperature of water: 27-28°c care level: for the experienced aquarist
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 Photo, Red Line Shrimp
Red Line Shrimp care and characteristics
compatibility with plants
color of crustacean: red, striped species: shrimp minimum aquarium size: not less than 20 liters maximum size: up to 5 cm type of aquarium: close temperature of water: 27-28°c care level: for the experienced aquarist
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 Photo, Red Nose Shrimp (Pinocchio Shrimp)
Red Nose Shrimp (Pinocchio Shrimp) care and characteristics
compatibility with plants compatibility with fishes
color of crustacean: red species: shrimp minimum aquarium size: not less than 50 liters maximum size: up to 5 cm type of aquarium: close, open temperature of water: near 25°c, 27-28°c care level: moderate
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 Photo, Rili Shrimp
Rili Shrimp care and characteristics
compatibility with plants compatibility with fishes
color of crustacean: red, blue species: shrimp minimum aquarium size: not less than 50 liters maximum size: up to 5 cm type of aquarium: close, open temperature of water: near 20°c, near 25°c care level: easy
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 Photo, Macrobrachium
Macrobrachium shrimp care and characteristics
compatibility with fishes
color of crustacean: red, blue, grey, green, brown species: shrimp minimum aquarium size: not less than 50 liters maximum size: 10-20 cm type of aquarium: open, close temperature of water: 27-28°c, near 25°c, near 20°c care level: moderate
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 Photo, Hawaiian Red Shrimp, Opae Ula, Hawaiian Volcano Shrimp
Hawaiian Red Shrimp, Opae Ula, Hawaiian Volcano Shrimp care and characteristics
compatibility with plants compatibility with fishes
color of crustacean: red species: shrimp minimum aquarium size: not less than 20 liters maximum size: up to 5 cm type of aquarium: open, close temperature of water: near 25°c, near 20°c care level: easy
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 Photo, Cherry Shrimp
Cherry Shrimp care and characteristics
compatibility with fishes
color of crustacean: red, blue, brown species: shrimp minimum aquarium size: not less than 20 liters maximum size: up to 5 cm type of aquarium: close, open temperature of water: near 25°c
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shrimp care and characteristics
compatibility with plants compatibility with fishes
color of crustacean: red, brown species: shrimp minimum aquarium size: not less than 50 liters maximum size: 5-10 cm type of aquarium: close, open temperature of water: near 25°c care level: moderate
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 Photo, Red Swamp Crayfish
Red Swamp Crayfish care and characteristics
color of crustacean: white, blue, red species: crayfish minimum aquarium size: not less than 200 liters maximum size: 10-20 cm type of aquarium: open, close temperature of water: near 25°c, near 20°c care level: easy
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 Photo, Fiddler Crab
Fiddler Crab care and characteristics
compatibility with fishes
color of crustacean: red species: crab minimum aquarium size: not less than 50 liters maximum size: 5-10 cm type of aquarium: close temperature of water: near 25°c care level: easy
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 Photo, Panther Crab
Panther Crab care and characteristics
compatibility with fishes
color of crustacean: red species: crab minimum aquarium size: not less than 50 liters maximum size: up to 5 cm type of aquarium: close temperature of water: near 25°c, 27-28°c care level: moderate
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